An icy fog with a dark and malevolent intelligence emanates from the base of an ancient temple, long hidden by a jungle inhabited by strange and alien species. Villagers report an oncoming war legion of snake like livorians, while diminutive se’arids have been seen holding their dark, cabalistic rituals at night. Drakmahn raiding parties scourge the borders of the Kisrian Empire, burning and pillaging unchecked, as strange lights seen in the night skies herald an even greater danger from above. You sling your bow, sharpen your sword, load a dark-energy cell in an alien gun you barely comprehend, and step out from the castle gate...

"Draw your weapon so it looks like your corpse fought back." Dolkahn the 12th mercenary.
I.S.M. is set primarily on a strange and dangerous planet named Reindon, a world in turmoil, torn between the rival ambitions of two feuding empires, while other species lay their own plans for dominance, retribution and power. And, over all of this, an alien invasion has dawned, the harbinger of darkness for all.
The central I.S.M. empires and species have complex hierarchies, social structures, laws, religions, cultures and legends. The world you will inhabit is as beautiful as it is deadly. Dry, searing deserts and plains, frozen forests and mountains, steaming jungles and wide, grassy prairies teem with alien life and color. Advanced alien artefacts are rare and are eagerly scavenged by all, jealously guarded on a planet with a predominately medieval technological level. But things are changing, as the technologically advanced and mysterious Sah’lees scouting parties plan the resumption of their planetary invasion from the safety of the cold void of space.
Once you leave the safety of a castle or town, you must rely on your wits and skills to survive and succeed. To aid you in this there is a vast array of medieval, martial art and alien equipment and weaponry at the players’ disposal, with each weapon capable of numerous types of attacks and defensive techniques. A basic sword alone has a variety of cuts, thrusts, pommel and hilt strikes (each causing different types and amounts of damage), grappling and parrying techniques. As with real weapons, each type of attack has a different effect on armor as well as your opponents flesh too. In addition, there are over sixty unarmed hand to hand moves and two unique alien martial art styles with their own specific techniques and abilities.
Make no mistake though, I.S.M. is about fun. With life and death hanging in the balance, knowing each decision you make has a real and logical consequence will only suck you into the fascinating world of I.S.M. with characters and story lines that are rich in atmosphere, excitement, challenge and wonder. From the long-term satisfaction of successful campaigns lasting a dozen or more playing sessions, to the adrenaline rush of short action-packed missions spanning mere hours, I.S.M. has something to offer most playing groups.
You are an InterStellar Mercenary - so go have fun, discover, conquer the enemy, rise up to the challenge but be very, very careful...